Democratic Crisis and Reform

Democratic Crisis and Reform
Research Focus
The Democratic Crisis and Reform research theme assesses the liberalized political evolution in Asian countries, identifies current challenges to democracy, and seeks future prospects for democratic longevity in the region.
This research is part of the Stanford Next Asia Policy Lab (SNAPL).
Projects in this research track include:
South Korea in Turmoil After Martial Law Attempt

On December 3, 2024, South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol abruptly declared martial law in a dramatic response to the political deadlock that has stymied his tenure, only to rescind the decision six hours later, sparking widespread protests and plunging the nation into turmoil.
What were Yoon’s motivations? What happens next? What are the implications of the dramatic events for South Korea’s democracy?
Professor Gi-Wook Shin offers insights and commentary in national and international media. Get his insights in our news roundup.
"The Adventure of Democracy"

After a long fight, South Korea overcame an authoritarian government and achieved democracy. Nevertheless, maintaining democracy and its values today does not come without its difficulties. In The Adventure of Democracy ( 민주주의의 모험: 대립과 분열의 시대를 건너는 법), Professor Gi-Wook Shin examines major challenges of Korean democracy today, including the perils of polarization, populism, and illiberalism.
Based on a series of essays, titled Shin’s Reflections on Korea and originally published in Shindonga, Korea’s oldest monthly magazine, this book also discusses why and how Korea can defend a liberal international order and embrace cultural diversity to spur innovation as well as promote tolerance and inclusiveness, and pursue global engagement to support sustainable development goals in a way that can make Korea a mature democracy.
South Korea's Democracy in Crisis

Barely thirty years after its emergence in 1987, democracy is in trouble in South Korea. In the volume South Korea's Democracy in Crisis: The Threats of Illiberalism, Populism, and Polarization (Shorenstein APARC, 2022), co-editors Professor Gi-Wook Shin and Professor Ho Ki Kim of Yonsei University assemble contributions from leading scholars who trace the sources of illiberalism in today’s Korea; examine how political polarization is plaguing its party system; discuss how civil society and the courts have become politicized; look at the roles of inequality, education, and social media in the country’s democratic decline; and consider how illiberalism has affected Korea’s foreign policy.
Sustainable Democracy Roundtable
Liberal democracy is hard-earned but sometimes even harder to guard. The foundations of liberal democracy are being seriously challenged, leading to political decay and public distrust of democratic systems and their values. With democratic backsliding threatening old and new democracies, Western democracies no longer serve as guiding light.
Against this backdrop, the annual Sustainable Democracy Roundtable brings together scholars of diverse backgrounds to propose solutions to globally pertinent policy issues. In partnership with the Korea Foundation for Advanced Studies (KFAS), the Sustainable Democracy Roundtable aims to create a unique platform for scholars to present alternative solutions to global issues, social progress, and long-term development. Our goal is to spur research partnerships and produce publication deliverables with experts, scholars, and students from the United States and the Asia-Pacific region.
2023 KFAS-Stanford Sustainable Democracy Roundtable I

The inaugural two-day conference took place on August 29-30, 2023, gathering scholars and students from the United States and South Korea. The sessions offered platforms for scholars to foster future collaborative projects to improve the trajectory of liberal democracy.
The conference report is now available.
Download the 2023 roundtable report
2024 KFAS-Stanford Sustainable Democracy Roundtable II

The second Sustainable Democracy Roundtable was held in Seoul, South Korea on June 18-21, 2024. Jointly hosted by APARC and The Korea Foundation for Advanced Studies (KFAS), the Roundtable is meant to foster conversations among scholars of all ranks of seniority, research backgrounds, and regional experience to evaluate current trends facing liberal democracy worldwide. The sessions also serve as platforms for scholars to jumpstart collaborative projects.
The conference report is now available.
Download the 2024 roundtable report
Related media:
Interview with Professors Gi-Wook Shin and Larry Diamond for Hankook Ilbo (in Korean) >