The Twin Challenges Facing Myanmar and How the World Can Help

The Twin Challenges Facing Myanmar and How the World Can Help

The Myanmar resistance’s urgent task is to push the hated, brutal military out of political power once and for all. Just as importantly, however, it simultaneously needs to create the best possible conditions for any future democratic government to succeed. This goal will require addressing a wide range of difficult issues that either have lingered unresolved for many years or that have grown out of the post-2021 coup and subsequent conflict. These include restructuring the security forces, developing and implementing a system of federalism, building rule of law, tackling long-standing identity issues, and rebuilding and reinvigorating the economy. It will also need to establish an interim governance structure and decide how to maintain security and basic governance during the inevitable transition period. The international community should step up efforts to help the resistance achieve both of these goals, including by increasing aid, training and scholarships and establishing a “Friends of Myanmar Democracy Group” to coordinate approaches.