
Shorenstein APARC
Encina Hall, Room E301
Stanford University
Stanford, CA 94305-6055

(650) 723-2408
2012-2013 Visiting Professor

So-Min Cheong is a visiting professor at the Walter H. Shorenstein Asia-Pacific Research Center for the 2012–2013 academic year, and is an associate professor of geography at the University of Kansas. Her current research focuses on the social consequences of environmental disasters and climate change adaptation in Korea and the United States. 

Cheong is the author of numerous publications in top interdisciplinary environment, policy, and geography journals such as: Nature Climate Change; Climatic Change; Ecology and SocietyEnvironment and PlanningTransactions of the Institute of the British Geographers; and Marine Policy. She has also worked on several technical reports for the Korean government on the topics of coastal management, adaptation, boundary issues, and disaster management. She was a lead author of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Special Report on managing climate extremes, and is currently a contributing author of the IPCC 5th Assessment Report. Her recent awards include the NSF CAREER award and the Korea Foundation Fellowship.  

Cheong received her PhD in geography from the University of Washington, where she also earned MA degrees in marine affairs and international studies. She earned her BA in English from Yonsei University in Korea, and was an exchange student at Reed College in Portland, Oregon.  


In this session of the Shorenstein APARC Corporate Affiliate Visiting Fellows Research Presentations, the following will be presented:


Yasunori Kakemizu, "Strategy of CATV in the Competitive TV Market: Open vs. Closed Models"

After prospering for more than a half-century in the United States, the cable industry is taking on a new competitor, Over-The-Top providers (OTT). OTT providers are a product of the information technology revolution that emerged from the invention of Internet protocol of the late 20th century. In his research presentation, Kakemizu tries to answer the question: What is the strategy of the cable industry in the United States and what will happen to it in the near future? Kakemizu analyzes the current threat and opportunity facing cable television companies, focusing on the strategies against OTT, such as Netflix and Hulu.


Hideaki Koda, "Driving the Electric Vehicle Forward: Reshaping Car Sharing with EV and ICT"

Should the all-electric vehicle challenge the traditional car head-on in the mainstream market? The answer may be "no" if you look back on the history of disruptive innovations. An innovative technology at its dawn often succeeds first in a smaller, untapped market where its strengths shine and its weaknesses are shadowed (or even turned into strengths). It then enters the mainstream market over time by achieving more maturity, as typically shown in the computer market. Then where is the market for the electric vehicle? It might be car sharing, which is thought to be a potentially large market. Koda discusses how to combine electric vehicles and car sharing with information and communications technology (e.g. Big Data processing) to achieve a win-win solution for all by taking advantage of the unique characteristics of the electric vehicle.  


Haiming Li, "Competing Strategies for China's Large Commercial Banks"

Competing strategies are critical to China's large commercial banks, as they determine future direction of development for these banks. Research shows that following five strategies, namely a strategy for lead changes, a strategy for globalization, a strategy for diversification, a strategy for systematic risk management, as well as a strategy for establishing a decision-making support system, need to be adapted. Coordinated implementation of these strategies will enhance the competitiveness of China's large commercial banks both home and abroad.


Yoshimasa Waseda, "Nantotechnolgoy for Fuel Cells: The Impact and Analysis of the Status Using Patent Information"

Judging from the need to reduce increasing dangers of future global climate change, clean energy has become more important and is a key issue for future development. Fuel cells are a candidate for achieving clean energy in the future although they currently have some disadvantages. Many researchers study the application of nanotechnology for fuel cells to solve these disadvantages using the unique phenomena of nanomaterials. In this presentation, Waseda discusses the impact of nanotechnology for fuel cells and analyzes the status of each region using patent information.

Philippines Conference Room

Corporate Affiliate Visiting Fellow

Yasunori Kakemizu is a corporate affiliate visiting fellow at the Walter H. Shorenstein Asia-Pacific Research Center for 2011–12. Kakemizu has more than 12 years of experience in media markets working for Sumitomo Corporation, one of Japan's major trading and investment conglomerates. Most recently, Kakemizu worked for Jupiter Telecommunications Co., Ltd. (one of Sumitomo Corporation's affiliated companies), and was responsible for service and business development.

Kakemizu received his bachelor's and master's degree in engineering science from Osaka University. 

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Yasunori Kakemizu Speaker Sumitomo Corporation
Corporate Affiliate Visiting Fellow

Hideaki Koda is a corporate affiliate visiting fellow at Shorenstein APARC for 2011-12.  Prior to joining Shorenstein APARC, he had been working at Mitsubishi Electric Corporation for 15 years.  Following the national policy called e-Japan Strategy, he had been engaged in designing, developing and deploying information systems for the Japanese Government and the Supreme Court of Japan, as well as coordinating with clients, engineers and vendors as a project manager.  He obtained his bachelor's and master's degrees in Electric Engineering from Waseda University.

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Hideaki Koda Speaker Mitsubishi Electric
Corporate Affiliate Visiting Fellow

Haiming Li is a corporate affiliate visiting fellow at the Walter H. Shorenstein Asia-Pacific Research Center for 2011–12.

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Haiming Li Speaker Industrial and Commercial Bank of China
Corporate Affiliate Visiting Fellow

Yoshimasa Waseda is a corporate affiliate visiting fellow at Shorenstein APARC for 2011-12.  Prior to joining Shorenstein APARC, he has worked for the Japan Patent Office (JPO) since 1999.  He has worked as a patent examiner, handling patent applications in the field of semiconductor device manufacturing.  In 2010, he was in charge of policy planning of information searching.  He obtained his BS and MS in Metallurgy and Ceramics Science from Tokyo Institute of Technology.

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Yoshimasa Waseda Speaker Japan Patent Office

Energy geopolitics in East Asia have reflected strong competition among major energy consuming countries (China, Japan and Korea) despite the alleged necessity of energy cooperation to cope with uncertainties in the global energy market and to prevent potential conflicts regarding energy supply. Lacking abundant energy resources, South Korea has to face the tough challenges of energy supply and climate change as well as the North Korean energy and nuclear crisis. In recent years, South Korea has actively pursued overseas energy development to guarantee the stable procurement of hydrocarbon energy resources and introduced a Green Growth policy to deal with the challenges of climate change and clean energy. The Green Growth policy symbolizes a paradigm shift to cope with climate change, fossil fuel depletion, and global economic recession by creating new engines of economic growth through green technology and clean energy. Based on strong political support and policy measures, it has showed noticeable progress in a short period of time, but the transition from a hydrocarbon-based to a renewable-based economy faces enormous uncertainties and challenges. South Korea has also been active in participating East Asian energy cooperation, which is also important in dealing with the serious North Korean energy crisis.

Jae-Seung Lee is a visiting scholar with the Korean Studies Program (KSP) for the 2011–12 academic year, and he is also currently a professor of international studies at Korea University. Before joining the faculty of Korea University, he had served as a professor at the Institute of Foreign Affairs and National Security (IFANS) of Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade.  His current research includes energy security and energy diplomacy of Korea.

Jae-Seung Lee has authored a series of books and articles on East Asian energy security. He is a Managing Director of the Center for Energy and Environment at the Institute of Sustainable Development (ISD) at Korea University and has organized the Korea Energy Forum (KEF) since 2005. Professor Lee is editor-in-chief of Korea Review of International Studies and serves as a Member of the Policy Advisory Board of the Presidential Secretariat (Foreign and Security Affairs) and Vice Director of Ilmin International Relations Institute (IIRI). Professor Lee holds a BA in political science from Seoul National University and an MA and a PhD in political science from Yale University. He has taught at Yale University, Seoul National University, and Korea University. 

This event is made possible by the generous support from the Koret Foundation.

Philippines Conference Room

Shorenstein APARC
Encina Hall, Room E301
Stanford University
Stanford, CA 94305-6055

(650) 724-6710
2011-2012 Visiting Scholar

Jae-Seung Lee is a visiting scholar with the Korean Studies Program (KSP) for the 2011–12 academic year, and he is also currently a professor of international studies at Korea University. Before joining the faculty of Korea University, he served as a professor at the Institute of Foreign Affairs and National Security (IFANS) and at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade.

As a scholar in international political economy, Lee has authored a number of books and articles on Korea, East Asia, and Europe. His current research also includes the energy security and energy diplomacy of Korea, among others. During his time with KSP, he will conduct a research project on the geopolitics of East Asian energy relations.

Lee is currently an editor-in-chief of the Korea Review of International Studies and he also serves as a member of the Policy Advisory Board of the Presidential Secretariat (Foreign and Security Affairs) and as vice director of Ilmin International Relations Institute (IIRI). He was selected as an Asia Society Young Leader in 2006 and as a Young Leader by the InterAction Council, a group of former heads-of-state, in 2008. He has contributed op-ed articles to major Korean newspapers and has commented on international affairs for BBC, CNN, and Korean broadcast stations.

Lee holds a BA in political science from Seoul National University (1991), and an MA (1993) and PhD (1998) in political science from Yale University. He also earned a certificate from the Institut D’Etudes Politiques de Paris (1995). He has taught at Yale University and Seoul National University.


* His on-line expert interview with World Politics Review on South Korea's energy diplomay is available here.

* His on-line interview with BBC World on the Korean DMZ is available here.

Jae-Seung Lee 2011-2012 Visiting Scholar, Shorenstein APARC; Professor, Division of International Studies, Korea University Speaker

Young Muk Jeon, "The Financial Crisis and Life Insurance Companies"

The global financial market clearly rebounded from the shock of the 2008 financial crisis.  However, recently the market volatility has grown due to oil price hikes, the European debt crisis and the anemic U.S. economic growth rate.  A series of financial institutions filed bankruptcies or were sold during the crisis.  However, life insurance companies fared relatively well in terms of financial difficulty.  In his research, Jeon explores the impact of the financial crisis on the life insurance industry and looks at what are the main reasons for the resilience of the life insurance sector.  Furthermore, Jeon presents what kind of strategic actions are needed for life insurers to weather the current turbulent climate.


Jong Jin Lee, "Corporate Communications:  Changing with the Media Environment"

Recent changes have occurred in the modes of communication prevalent in South Korea, a rapidly advancing society where newer varieties of interactive media have significantly displaced traditional print and broadcast media among the youngest and most well-educated segments of the population.  These changes have also had a profound impact on the quality of corporate communications to the public.  In his presentation, Lee will address both the advent of the “netizen” and the hotter media environment for today’s companies in South Korea.  Most critically, he will also discuss the evolution of corporate public relations responses to public perceptions and media depictions of crises, illustrating his narrative with striking examples from his own company’s history.

Philippines Conference Room

Corporate Affiliate Visiting Fellow

Young Muk Jeon is a corporate affiliate visiting fellow at the Walter H. Shorenstein Asia-Pacific Research Center (Shorenstein APARC) for 2011. Jeon has more than 20 years of experience in financial markets since he joined Samsung Life Insurance Co. Ltd. Prior to coming to Shorenstein APARC, he worked as head of the Global Investment Team. The team is responsible for the company's general account investment, including global fixed income, public and private equities, as well as liquidity accounts. Jeon participated in the Investment Relationship Road Show for IPO of Samsung Life Insurance Co. Ltd., in which he covered all of the investment issues and questions related to Samsung Life's asset management. As of May 2010, Samsung Life is listed on the Korean stock market. 

Jeon earned his bachelor's degree in business administration from Yonsei University in Korea, and received his MBA from the University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School.

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Young Muk Jeon Samsung Life Insurance Speaker
Corporate Affiliate Visiting Fellow

Jong Jin Lee is a corporate affiliate visiting fellow at Shorenstein APARC for 2011.  Lee has been working for the Samsung Group since 1987.  Prior to joining Shorenstein APARC, Lee was a Vice President of Samsung Communications Team.  He has considerable background in the fields of Public Relations affairs, especially in the news media (newspaper, broadcasting, internet website, etc.).  He graduated from Korea University in Korea.

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Jong Jin Lee Samsung Electronics Speaker

Shorenstein APARC
Encina Hall C324
616 Serra Street
Stanford University
Stanford, CA 94305-6055

(650) 724-6404 (650) 723-6530
2011-2012 Koret Fellow

Joon-woo Park, a former senior diplomat from Korea, is the 2011–12 Koret Fellow with the Korean Studies Program (KSP).

Park brings over 30 years of foreign policy experience to Stanford, including a deep understanding of the U.S.-Korea relationship, bilateral relations, and major Northeast Asian regional issues. In view of Korea’s increasingly important presence as a global economic and political leader, Park will explore foreign policy strategies for furthering this presence. In addition, he will consider possibilities for increased U.S.-Korea collaboration in their relations with China, as well as prospects for East Asian regional integration based on the European Union (EU) model. He will also teach a course during the winter quarter, entitled Korea's Foreign Policy in Transition.

In 2010, while serving as ambassador to the EU, Park signed the EU-South Korea Free Trade Agreement (FTA) in Brussels. That same year he also completed the Framework Agreement, strengthening EU-South Korea collaboration on significant global issues, such as human rights, the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons, and climate change. Park’s experience with such major bilateral agreements comes as the proposed Korea-U.S. FTA is nearing ratification.

Park holds a BA and an MA in law from Seoul National University.

The Koret Fellowship was established in 2008 through the generosity of the Koret Foundation to promote intellectual diversity and breadth in KSP, bringing leading professionals in Asia and the United States to Stanford to study U.S.-Korea relations. The fellows conduct their own research on the bilateral relationship, with an emphasis on contemporary relations, with the broad aim of fostering greater understanding and closer ties between the two countries.

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