APARC Research - Migration, Cutural Diversity, and Tolerance

Migration, Cultural Diversity, and Tolerance
Research Focus
Gi-Wook Shin
Rennie Moon
Shorenstein Asia-Pacific Research Center Working Paper, 2018
[See also "Can Brain Drain Generate Gains for Less-Developed Countries?," APARC website, March 2018]
Why Does Cultural Diversity Matter? Korean Higher Education in Comparative Perspective
In Globalization and Japanese “Exceptionalism” in Education: Insider's Views into a Changing System, by Ryoko Tsuneyoshi (ed.), Routledge, 2017
Embracing Diversity in Higher Education: Comparing Discourses in the US, Europe, and Asia
In Migration and Integration: New Models for Mobility and Coexistence, by Roland Hsu and Christoph Reinprecht (eds.), V&R Unipress, 2016
Internationalizing Higher Education in Korea: Challenges and Opportunities in Comparative Perspective
Shorenstein Asia-Pacific Research Center book, distributed by Brookings Institutions Press, 2016
Aid as Transnational Social Capital: Korea’s Official Development Assistance in Higher Education
Pacific Affairs, 2016
Commentaries and Opinion Pieces
[Us and Them] I’m Korean, You’re Not, and There’s a Fine Line You Can’t Cross
The Korea Herald, September 22, 2021
The Perils of Populist Nationalism
Shindonga Magazine, August 19, 2019 (in Korean)
Korea’s International Students
The Korea Times, Mar 27, 2018 (in Korean)
Korea No Longer a Country of Koreans
The Korea Times, Dec 12, 2017 (in Korean)
A Society that Valorizes Diversity
The Korea Times, Oct 10, 2017 (in Korean)
Broken English is the New Global Language
MK News, August 28, 2017 (in Korean)
College in Korea an Option for Korean Americans
The Korea Times, August 15, 2017 (in Korean)
Social Capital Matters for a Sustainable South Korea
Shorenstein APARC News, August 2016
Stanford Scholar Underscores Diversity, Global Education Goals
Shorenstein APARC News, May 2015
South Korean Universities Remain Challenging Places for Foreign Students and Faculty
TheConversation.com, May 2015
Related Events
9th Annual Koret Workshop—Korea’s Migrants: From Homogeneity to Diversity
April 2017
7th Annual Koret Workshop—The Internationalization of Korean Higher Education: Achievements, Challenges, and Future Directions
February 2015
Are East Asian Universities Really Serious About Internationalization?
February 2015