Chinese Maritime Ambitions
Chinese Maritime Ambitions
Research Focus
China wants to become a ‘maritime great power,’ a term Chinese President Xi Jinping uses as part of his national revitalization rhetoric. To this end, China is building a blue-water navy that can control its near seas, fight and win regional wars, and protect its vital sea lanes and its many political and economic interests beyond East Asia.
What is China trying to achieve in the maritime domain? How does it plan to do so? And how should the United States respond to the threats posed by China’s maritime objectives? The Chinese Maritime Ambitions project answers these questions by considering China’s national discourse, military capabilities, and behavior.
Using this framework, this line of research distinguishes between China's ambitions and methods in the near seas — the South China Sea (SCS) and the East China Sea (ECS) — vs. those in the far seas — the Indian Ocean and beyond. In the near seas, China is concerned with sovereignty and regional hegemony. In the far seas, China is concerned with protecting the sources of Chinese Communist Party domestic legitimacy such as economic growth, guarding against external political pressure, and protecting Chinese nationals.
While China’s maritime ambitions are problematic in both the near and far seas, U.S. policy must consider these differences in the degree of threat and risk. China’s maritime ambitions in the near seas pose the greatest threat to the interests and security of the United States and its allies. In contrast, in the far seas, there are aspects of China's current objectives that are legitimate and do not necessarily threaten U.S. interests. China’s methods, however, undermine stability, democratic norms, and sound economic development. There is also a risk that China could change its strategy in the far seas to disrupt freedom of navigation as its capabilities evolve.
Encounters and Escalation in the Indo-Pacific: Perspectives on China’s Military and Implications for Regional Security (ed.)
National Bureau of Asian Research, May 7, 2024
See also New Report Sheds Light on People's Liberation Army’s Role in Escalating Indo-Pacific Tensions, APARC website, May 13, 2024
The Next Flashpoint? China, the Republic of Korea, and the Yellow Sea
In Asia Policy 18:1, January 20, 2023
Chinese Intentions in the South China Sea
2020–21 Wilson China Fellowship: Essays on the Rise of China and Its Implications, April 2021
The PLA’s Evolving Role in China’s South China Sea Strategy
China Leadership Monitor, December 2020
See also China’s South China Sea Strategy Prioritizes Deterrence Against the US, APARC website
What Are China’s Leaders Saying About the South China Sea?
The Lowy Institute, February 2021
How China is Bending the Rules in the South China Sea
The Lowy Institute, February 2021
Russia and China Team Up on the Indian Ocean
The Lowy Institute, December 2020
Beijing’s Line on the South China Sea: “Nothing to See Here”
The Lowy Institute, November 2020
Chinese Maritime Ambitions
Testimony Before the House Foreign Affairs Committee – Subcommittee on Asia, the Pacific, and Non-Proliferation, June 2020
Rising Tensions in the South China Sea
Council on Foreign Relations, May 2020
Military Confrontation in the South China Sea
Council on Foreign Relations, May 2020
In the News
South China Sea: Why the Philippines and China Are on a Collision Course
BBC News, October 23, 2023
Russia and China 'Share Common Desire' as South China Sea Tensions Threaten to Erupt
Daily Express, March 19, 2023
Biden Looks for Defense Hotline With China
Foreign Policy, May 2021
China Begins Month of Military Exercises in South China Sea
Radio Free Asia, March 2021
Chinese Aircraft Carry Out Exercises, Pressure Taiwan in South China Sea Region
Radio Free Asia, February 2021
Biden’s US to Remain Active in South China Sea but Confronts China Less
VN Express International, November 2020
Rare Glimpse of Chinese Sub Outside Concealed Bunker Near South China Sea
Radio Free Asia, August 2020
US Orders Fresh Sanctions on Chinese Firms Over South China Sea ‘Militarization’
South China Morning Post, August 2020
Beijing's South China Sea Gambit
The Lowy Institute, July 19, 2024
Philippines Accuses China of “Brutal Assault” At Sea
CNN International First Move, June 21, 2024
Philippines Accuses China of Slashing Naval Boat in South China Sea
NBC News, June 20, 2024
South Africa Risks US Ire by Staging Naval Exercises with China and Russia
Radio France Internationale, February 13, 2023
China's Military Buildup in the South China Sea
WWL First News Podcast, April 2022