The Tokyo Olympics, COVID-19, and Governance and Gender in Japanese Sports
The Tokyo Olympics, COVID-19, and Governance and Gender in Japanese Sports
Thursday, May 6, 20214:00 PM - 5:00 PM (Pacific)
This event is being held virtually via Zoom. Please register for the webinar via the following link:
The Tokyo Olympics-Paralympics Games are scheduled to open in late July with various adjustments to address concerns about COVID-19 such as no foreign visitors to watch the game. The unusual Olympics has sparked heated debates in Japan and elsewhere, but what will it look like when it opens and what should the organizers seek to accomplish? In the process of planning for the Olympics, a number of issues around governance and gender in Japanese sports associations got exposed. How should we go about resolving these issues and create an environment that is most desirable for athletes? Our seminar features two prominent former Olympians who continue to wield significant influence in Japanese sports scenes, Yuko Arimori and Dai Tamesue, to discuss these issues and the future of the Japanese sports world beyond the Tokyo Olympics. Moderated by our program director Kiyoteru Tsutsui, the seminar includes a Q&A session featuring questions from the audience. Simultaneous interpretation will be provided.
This event will be held in Japanese. Simultaneous translation will be offered.


1978年広島県生まれ。スプリント種目の世界大会で日本人として初のメダル獲得者。男子400メートルハードルの日本記録保持者(2021年4月現在)。現在は執筆活動、会社経営を行う。Deportare Partners代表。新豊洲Brilliaランニングスタジアム館長。Youtube為末大学(Tamesue Academy)を運営。主な著作に『Winning Alone』『走る哲学』『諦める力』など。