The Rise of Anti-Chinese Sentiments in South Korea: Political and Security Implications

The Rise of Anti-Chinese Sentiments in South Korea: Political and Security Implications

APARC and Korea Program Director Gi-Wook Shin shares insights on rising anti-China sentiments in South Korea and their implications for the upcoming South Korean presidential election.
Protesters participate in a rally oppose a planned visit by Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi near the Chinese Embassy on November 25, 2020 in Seoul, South Korea.
Protesters participate in a rally oppose a planned visit by Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi near the Chinese Embassy on November 25, 2020 in Seoul, South Korea. | Chung Sung-Jun/ Getty Images)

"Anti-China sentiment is a global trend among advanced democratic nations [...] probably the most dramatic change is [in] South Korea," said APARC and Korea Program Director Gi-Wook Shin at a Korea Society forum on October 7, 2021.

In conversation with Korea Society Senior Director Stephen Noerper, Shin examines rising anti-China sentiments in South Korea and their implications for the upcoming South Korean presidential election and the U.S.-ROK alliance. He also explores these sentiments relative to Korean feelings toward Japan and the United States.

Watch the video recording or listen to the audio below. You can also view the coverage of the event in the Chosun Ilbo.

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