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China and India: Seeking a New Balance

  • Nayan Chanda

Audio and transcript of "China and India: Seeking a New Balancea seminar presentation by Nayan Chanda, the director of publications and editor at YaleGlobal Online Magazine, on March 10, 2015.

The dramatic victory of the Narendra Modi-led Bharati Janata Party – the biggest single-party majority in thirty years in the national election – has shaken up South Asia’s diplomatic scene. Inviting leaders from neighboring South Asia to his inauguration, visiting Brasilia, Tokyo, and Washington, before welcoming Chinese President Xi Jinping – all within four months of taking power  – Modi has imparted a new dynamism in Indian foreign policy.  His second summit with President Obama within four months when Obama was invited as chief guest at India’s Republic Day parade and their joint statement implicitly critical of China has stirred concern and enthusiasm about an Indo-U.S. alliance. In this presentation, Chanda examines the direction of India’s relations with China in the new global context.