Global Perspective of Caste and Race Within UN Mechanisms

Global Perspective of Caste and Race Within UN Mechanisms

Tuesday, March 7, 2023
5:30 PM - 7:00 PM

Encina Commons, 123 615 Crothers Way, Stanford, CA 94305

  • Ashwini K.P.
Global Perspectives of Caste and Race within UN Mechanisms

Ms. Ashwini K.P. (currently the UN Special Rapporteur on contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance) will primarily focus on the analysis of race and caste within UN mechanisms in this talk. She will also focus on the history and the current situation of the process and the manner in which caste and race have been addressed within UN mechanisms.

This talk will be moderated by Prem Pariyar, Human Relations Commissioner in Alameda County. 

This event is co-sponsored by the Center for South Asia, the Program in International and Comparative Law in Stanford Law School,  and the Haas Center for Public Service.


Ashwini K.P.

Ms. Ashwini K.P. is an activist and an academic. She has previously worked as an assistant professor at the Department of Political Science of St. Joseph’s College in Indiaserved as an assistant professor of Political Science. She has also worked with several civil society organizations and international human rights organizations. She is a co-founder of the civil society organization, Zariya: Women’s Alliance for Dignity and Equality. As part of her research and activism, she has focused on policies related to marginalized communities, in particular to support their livelihood and access to education. She has focused on social exclusion, particularly descent and occupation based discrimination in South Asia. Ms. Ashwini K.P. is currently the Special Rapporteur on contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance. Ms. Ashwini K.P. has represented Indian Dalit women in various civil society groups helping them in strategizing on how to ensure that women from marginalised communities are empowered and are in decision-making roles in activism and mainstream social movements. Ms. Ashwini intends to work on overall empowerment of marginalized communities particularly with special focus on Dalit, Adivasi, minorities, and other marginalized communities.

This event is in-person only. Registration is required and may be capped once at capacity