2024 KFAS-Stanford Sustainable Democracy Roundtable

2024 KFAS-Stanford Sustainable Democracy Roundtable

Tuesday, June 18, 2024 | 2:00 AM - Thursday, June 20, 2024 | 10:50 PM (Pacific)

This event is held in Korea from June 18 through June 21, in Korea Time.

Invitation-only closed roundtable,  June 18-20, SKMS Institute, Icheon
Public Session, June 21, KFAS Conference Hall (B3 Floor), KFAS, Seoul 
For registration information, please click here.

Flyer for the 2024 Sustainable Democracy Roundtable.

Liberal democracy is hard-earned but sometimes even harder to guard. The foundations of liberal democracy are being seriously challenged, leading to political decay and public distrust of democratic systems and their values. With democratic backsliding threatening old and new democracies, Western democracies no longer serve as guiding light.

Jointly hosted by APARC and the Korea Foundation for Advanced Studies (KFAS), the second annual Sustainable Democracy Roundtable is meant to foster conversations among scholars of all ranks of seniority, diverse research backgrounds, and regional experience to evaluate current trends facing liberal democracy worldwide. The sessions also serve as platforms for scholars to jumpstart collaborative projects.

Following the Roundtable, a conference report will be published and accessible through this page.

The report from this conference is now available for download.
Download pdf

Day 1: June 18 (Korea Time)

6:30-7:30pm          Keynote:  “Ukraine War and the U.S. Election”

Keynote Speaker: Michael McFaul, Director, Freeman Spogli Institute for Int’l Studies (FSI), Stanford University

Moderator: Jiewuh Song, Professor, Political Science & Int’l Relations, Seoul National University

7:30pm                       Reception & Dinner

Day 2: June 19 (Korea Time)

9:00-10:00am          Opening Remarks and Keynote Speech

Byung-il Choi, President of KFAS; Professor Emeritus, Graduate School of International Studies, Ewha Womans University
Gi-Wook Shin, Director of Shorenstein APARC; Professor of Sociology, Stanford University

Keynote Speaker: Larry Diamond, Senior Fellow at FSI and Hoover Institution; Professor (by courtesy) of Sociology and Political Science, Stanford University

Moderator: Jiyeoun Song, Professor, Graduate School of Int’l Studies, Seoul National University

10:00-12:00pm        Session 1 “Institutions”

Hye Young You, Associate Professor, Department of Politics; School of Public and Int’l Affairs, Princeton University
William Dobson, Coeditor, Journal of Democracy

Moderator: Francis Fukuyama, Professor of (by courtesy) Political Science; Olivier Nomellini Senior Fellow, FSI, Stanford University

Hyeonho Hahm, Assistant Professor, Department of Policy Studies, Hanyang University
Joan Cho, Associate Professor, East Asian Studies and (by courtesy) Government, Wesleyan University

12:00-1:00pm        Lunch Break

1:00-3:00pm          Session 2 “Media and Democracy”

Dong Hoon Ma, Professor, School of Media & Communication, Korea University
Tim Martin, Korea Bureau Chief, The Wall Street Journal

Moderator: Sang-hun Choe, Seoul Bureau Chief, The New York Times

Joon Seok Yang, Assistant Professor, Political Science & Diplomacy, Sungkyunkwan University
Michelle Lee, Tokyo Bureau Chief, The Washington Post

3:00-3:30pm          Break

3:30-5:30pm          Session 3 “Performance: Economic/Social Sides of Democracy”

Seongsoo Choi, Associate Professor of Sociology, Yonsei University
Kiyoteru Tsutsui, Director of Japan Program; Professor of Sociology, Stanford University

Moderator: Jong-Wha Lee, Professor of Economics, Korea University

Sanghoon Ahn, Senior Fellow, Korea Development Institute 
Aram Hur, Kim Koo Chair in Korean Studies; Assistant Professor of Political Science, The Fletcher School, Tufts University

6:30pm                     Dinner