Global Affiliates Program at APARC - About

About the Global Affiliates Program
Program Overview
The Global Affiliates Program (GAP), formerly known as the Corporate Affiliate Visiting Fellows Program, was established at Shorenstein APARC in 1982 to strengthen connections among Asia researchers and Asian leaders from the private and public sectors with mutual interest in furthering U.S.-Asia collaboration. Membership in the program enables affiliate organizations to send qualified personnel to Stanford as visiting fellows with APARC for a year of research, education, and enrichment. Visiting fellows participate in the work of the Center, interact daily with specialists and scholars from Stanford and abroad, and expand their networks of U.S. and international counterparts, while learning about American life and institutions. GAP is not a degree-granting program.
GAP is a structured yet flexible program that allows nominated visiting fellows to deepen their knowledge of topics that are relevant to their work under the direction of an assigned APARC faculty advisor. It integrates fellows into the Center’s research community with a status equivalent to that of visiting scholars. During the course of the academic year, fellows may audit Stanford courses, participate in colloquia and conferences on campus, use the University library and other resources, and attend events and network throughout Silicon Valley—all while working towards completing their individual research projects.
The research project is the academic cornerstone of the GAP fellowship experience. Visiting fellows design, conduct, and present their research on topics that further their careers and benefit their organizations. Research projects are due before visiting fellows depart Shorenstein APARC.
GAP also coordinates learning opportunities and events tailored specifically for the fellows, from seminars on the Silicon Valley ecosystem or the essentials of strategic communications, to visits with local companies, startups, investment firms, and government institutions such as the San Francisco City Hall or the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco.
Upon completing the program, alumni join a distinguished network of over 450 (and growing) professionals throughout Asia. We value and encourage long-term relationships with affiliate members and alumni.
Program Requirements
Shorenstein APARC accepts nominated visiting fellows from organizations that have joined the Center as GAP affiliates on a space-available basis. We encourage member organizations to nominate representatives whose research interests coincide with the Center’s own research agenda. We request that all visiting fellows actively participate in program and Center-wide activities, and, at the end of the academic year, submit a research paper and give an oral presentation to the APARC community, both in English.
The GAP schedule mirrors the Stanford academic calendar, beginning in September and ending in June, and is designed to give the participants flexibility to pursue research and academic topics of their interest. Visiting fellows are not enrolled in a degree-granting program within the University.
All communication for GAP is conducted in English, so it is vital that participants have adequate command of English to maximize their experience. An official test score from the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL), preferably of 89 or higher (or equivalent test), is required for admission.
Stanford University offers an intensive summer program in spoken and written English. Although optional, many of our visiting fellows participate in this six-week program that usually begins in early July. Its cost to the visitor/affiliate organization is additional to and separate from the affiliate membership fee.
Shorenstein APARC adheres to Stanford University’s guidelines for industrial affiliate programs and policies governing industrial affiliate programs.
Visiting Fellow Nominations
Global Affiliate member organizations select the candidates they wish to nominate as visiting fellows. Please note that nominees whose research interests coincide with those of Shorenstein APARC are preferred. Nominations from affiliate organizations are requested by February for residence beginning in June.
The Global Affiliates Program broadened my views and helped me think outside the box and BIG. Attending various events on global issues, technology, and innovation enriched my knowledge and enhanced my analytical thinking.
Zhuoyan Wang
Global Affiliate Visiting Fellow, PetroChina
Program Fees
Program affiliation fee (per visiting scholar):
- US $50,000 per academic year (for-profit organizations) OR
- US $40,000 per academic year (nonprofit organizations)
The membership fees paid by affiliate organizations provide support for research and other activities at Shorenstein APARC as well as for GAP operations, and covers basic research and administrative expenses of the affiliate representative at Stanford.
The affiliate organization is responsible for the costs of travel to and from Stanford and for all other living expenses, including housing, mandatory health insurance coverage, and tuition for English classes (if applicable). For visa purposes, visitors are required to provide evidence of a minimum amount of money available to cover expenses.
Download the GAP Brochure
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Contact Us
For questions or further information, please contact Denise Masumoto, our manager of corporate relations.
Contact Denise
Visit Us
The Global Affiliate Program is located at the Walter H. Shorenstein Asia-Pacific Research Center on the Stanford campus.
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