Jinseok Kim

Jinseok Kim joins the Walter H. Shorenstein Asia-Pacific Research Center (APARC) as Asia Health Policy Postdoctoral Fellow for the 2024-2025 academic year. He recently obtained his Ph.D. in economics at the Technology, Economics, Management and Policy Program of Seoul National University. He holds a Master of Science degree in Environmental Technology from Imperial College of London as well as Bachelor of Arts and Sciences from University College London. His research interest mainly lies in behavioral economics, demand forecasting, and policy analysis in the fields of technology diffusion, energy and environment.
His thesis (tentative title), “Quantum-like Approach to Random Utility Maximization Framework: Application to Discrete Choice Modelling,” applies the concepts of quantum mechanics to provide a reinterpretation of human decision-making process under the random utility maximization framework, which is found to derive an expanded model that accounts for the randomness of human choice as well as the effect of self-uncertainty at the individual-level. Through choice analysis under this new quantum-like theoretical framework, this study endeavors to make both theoretical and empirical contributions to choice modeling.
During his time in Shorenstein Asia-Pacific Research Center, he hopes to expand his area of expertise by taking upon a research project that aims to analyze the impact of population aging to innovation diffusion and technology consumption. Through this project, he hopes to make real contributions to future preparations and policy structuring for imminent changes in society.