Shorenstein APARC changes program names

Shorenstein APARC changes program names

The Shorenstein Asia-Pacific Research Center (APARC) at Stanford University formally changed many of its program names in tandem with the website project led by our parent organization, the Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies.

In its 31st year, Shorenstein APARC continues to expand its research agenda as the Asia-Pacific region sees dynamic change and greater global significance. The Center has six key programs that support vibrant research, training and outreach goals focused on developing a greater understanding of Asia and improvement of U.S.-Asia relations.

The programs include:

  • Asia Health Policy Program: the Program promotes the comparative understanding of health and health policy in the Asia-Pacific region through research, seminars and collaboration with scholars at Stanford and across Asia.


  • China Program: the Program is a university-wide initiative to facilitate multidisciplinary, social science-oriented on contemporary China, with an emphasis on basic and policy-oriented research.


  • Corporate Affiliates Program: established in 1982, the Program introduces Asia-based fellows to American life and institutions. Shorenstein APARC hosts a class of fellows each year, and allows them to interact daily with scholars and students from Stanford and abroad while conducting research and auditing courses.


  • Japan Program: the Program facilitates multidisciplinary, social science-oriented research on contemporary Japan through both academic scholarship and policy-relevant research.


  • Korea Program: the Program focuses on multidisciplinary, policy-relevant projects on Korean Peninsula-related topics, and supports teaching and fellowships that encourages collaborative research.


  • Southeast Asia Program: the Program explores the histories, cultures and international relations of Southeast Asia’s ten countries and over half a billion people.

Further information about the programs can be found on the Shorenstein APARC website.