A Deadly Syndemic in Myanmar: The Coup, the Pandemic, and Challenges for Medical Humanitarian Response and Public Health System Recovery
A Deadly Syndemic in Myanmar: The Coup, the Pandemic, and Challenges for Medical Humanitarian Response and Public Health System Recovery
Thursday, May 12, 20226:00 PM - 7:30 PM (Pacific)
Via Zoom Webinar.
Register: https://bit.ly/3Ncvj7B
AHPP “Aligning incentives” series final webinar: May 12th 6pm PDT, May 13th 9am in Hong Kong and Singapore
How has Myanmar’s health system dealt with the devastation caused by the coup and the pandemic, and what are the current opportunities and challenges for response and recovery? In this panel of two experts, Dr. Thin Zaw will first discuss how Myanmar’s health system and health workforce are endeavoring to respond to the syndemic crisis, a deadly combination of the global pandemic, the military coup, and post-coup civil conflicts. She will also discuss how stakeholders are working together to try to mitigate the crisis, and how a federal health system could be built up to align incentives for effective collaboration among ethnic health organizations. Second, Dr. Tun will provide a grassroots medical humanitarian perspective on what is happening in Myanmar. He will present results of a mixed-methods survey conducted in non-military-controlled areas from October to December 2021, discussing how Myanmar professionals including healthcare workers are spearheading the Civil Disobedience Movement, helping internally displaced people, and trying to address the healthcare needs of populations in conflict areas.