Young Whan Kihl

Kihl MG 5651

Young Whan Kihl

  • 2009-10 Visiting Scholar

Shorenstein APARC
Stanford University
Encina Hall E301
Stanford, CA 94305-6055

(650) 724-5710 (voice)


Professor Kihl taught courses on International Relations, Comparative Politics, Comparative Political Behavior, and Comparative Foreign Policy at Iowa State University, 1974-2006, and served as Chair at the Department of Political Science, Juniata College, 1963-1974.  He was editor-in-chief of The International Jounal of Korean Studies, 2004-2008, and was on the editorial advisory board of The International Studies Quarterly, 1998-2004.

Prof. Kihl received a BA in Political Science and Economics from Grinnell College and a Ph.D. in International Politics and Organizations, Comparative Politics (Asia), and Political Behavior from New York University.