Jaekwon Son

Jaekwon Son
- 2012-2013 Visiting Scholar
Shorenstein APARC
Encina Hall, Room E301
Stanford, CA 94305
Jaekwon Son is a 2012-2013 visiting scholar with the Korean Studies Program at the Walter H. Shorenstein Asia-Pacific Research Center. Son, a reporter at the Maeil Business Newspaper in Korea, will conduct research on the impact of new media journalism, such as social networking through smart devices.
Son has co-authored books including The Appstore Economics (2010), Mobile Changes the World (2010), and The Naver Republic (2007). He has been awarded Jounalist of the Month from the Korea Jounalist Association (2012) and Jounalist of the Year from the Hanvit Culture Foundation (2008).
Son holds a BA in classical Chinese from Korea University.