Entrepreneurship as a National Security Initiative
Entrepreneurship as a National Security Initiative
Friday, April 24, 20093:00 PM - 4:30 PM (Pacific)
This event is presented in conjunction with the Japan Society of Northern California and the US-Asia Technology Management Center.
About the event
In recent remarks, President Obama has clearly linked our success at stimulating economic dynamism and science-based innovation abroad and our ability to clip the root causes of terrorism. The entrepreneur's optimistic vision is polar opposite of the terrorist's dark pessimism. By helping to grow entrepreneurial ecosystems abroad and link those ecosystems with their U.S. counterparts, we both fertilize broad-based future economic growth and strengthen a sense of self-determination, both potent antibodies to terrorist recruiters. This panel discussion will explore this concept.
About the speakers
Richard C. Boly is a national security affairs fellow for 2008-2009 at the Hoover Institution. Mr. Boly represents the U.S. Department of State.
Richard is a career member of the United States Foreign Service. He was an Economic Officer at the U.S. Embassy in Rome, Italy from 2004-2008 and worked in the office of European Union affairs at the State Department from 2002-2004. His other overseas tours include the Dominican Republic, Ecuador, and Paraguay. Richard is the most junior diplomat to win the Cobb Award for commercial diplomacy. Prior to joining the Foreign Service, Richard was the first Presidential Management Fellow with the Inter-American Foundation, was a consultant with the Inter-American Development Bank, and founded and ran a shrimp hatchery in coastal Ecuador. Richard is a native of Tacoma, Washington and a graduate of Stanford University and the Graduate School of International Relations and Pacific Studies at the University of California, San Diego. He plans to use his fellowship year to focus on promoting entrepreneurship abroad as a U.S. policy objective.
Richard Dasher has been with the US-Asia Technology Management Center at Stanford University since 1993, becoming USATMC Acting Director in 1994 and Director in 1996. In this capacity, Dr. Dasher holds consulting faculty appointments in the Department of Electrical Engineering (technology management) and the Department of Asian Languages (Japanese business), moving up from Consulting Associate Professor (1996 - 2003) to Consulting Professor since 2004. He has additionally served as Executive Director of Stanford's Center for Integrated Systems since 1998.
Dr. Dasher was the first non-Japanese person ever asked to join the senior governance of a Japanese national university, serving a one-year term on the Board of Directors of Tohoku University from April 2004. He continues to serve on the Management Steering Council of Tohoku University and as Special Advisor to the Tohoku University president. From 2001-2003, he was a member of the International Advisory Committee to the Japanese Minister of State for Science and Technology Policy in regard to the creation of the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology. He is regularly called on to consult for local and regional governments in Japan, the U.S. and Asia in regard to innovation-based regional economic development and university-industry relations.
Dr. Dasher maintains an active business consulting practice on international strategy and planning, technology trend and opportunity analysis, and Japan market entry and performance improvement. In addition to projects for large firms, he serves as an outside board director of ZyCube Inc. in Japan and as advisor to several start-up companies in the U.S. and China. Since 2000, Dr. Dasher has been an advisor to the US-Japan Business Incubation Center in San Jose, California.
Dr. Dasher received the Ph.D. in Linguistics from Stanford University and is co-author with Prof. Elizabeth Traugott of the book "Regularity in Semantic Change" (Cambridge University Press, 2002). He is fluent in Japanese and directed the U.S. State Department's Foreign Service Institute training centers in Japan and Korea from 1986-90. From 1990-93, Dr. Dasher was a salaried board director of two Japanese companies in Tokyo, at which he expanded the companies' business lines to include international IP licensing. He taught clarinet and chamber music at the San Francisco Conservatory of Music from 1978-85 and maintains an active interest in performing and enjoying music.