Indonesia's New Horizons: Education, Regionalism, and Foreign Policy
Indonesia's New Horizons: Education, Regionalism, and Foreign Policy
[This essay is based on notes for a talk delivered on 11 March 2009 to an international seminar—“Indonesia 2025: Geopolitical and Security Challenges”—convened in connection with the inauguration of the Indonesian Defense University (IDU), Jakarta, Indonesia, 11-12 Mar 2009. The text was submitted in May 2009 for consideration as a possible chapter in a volume of papers from the seminar to be published by the IDU.]
Perluaslah cakrawala! Widen your horizons! Seek broader knowledge! I am of course quoting from the remarks made just now by President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono in connection with the launching of the Indonesian Defense University (IDU)—the occasion for this international seminar on the geopolitical and security challenges facing Indonesia.