Challenges and promise on the Korean Peninsula
Challenges and promise on the Korean Peninsula

Relations between the United States and South Korea today are stronger than ever, as reflected in President Barack Obama's recent announcement of his commitment with President Lee Myung-bak to ratifying the Korea-U.S. (KORUS) free trade agreement, the United States' largest free trade agreement since NAFTA. At the same time, the North Korean government's increasing aggressiveness amidst an impending leadership change in Pyongyang poses a serious challenge to the U.S.-South Korean longstanding alliance. Just one week after North Korea attacked the South Korean island of Yeonpyong, killing four people, Northeast Asia experts from the Walter H. Shorenstein Asia-Pacific Research Center (Shorenstein APARC) met in Seoul with scholars and former senior officials from the United States and South Korea to discuss the alliance, policy toward North Korea, and regional dynamics within Northeast Asia.
The Stanford scholars and experts visited Seoul in connection with two Shorenstein APARC initiatives by director Gi-Wook Shin, the Korea-U.S. West Coast Strategic Forum and the New Beginnings policy study group. Not surprisingly, their discussions focused on how to interpret and counter North Korea's recent heightened belligerence, including not only the Yeonpyeong attack but also the sinking of a South Korean navy vessel in March of this year with the loss of 46 sailors.
David Straub, associate director of Shorenstein APARC's Stanford Korean Studies
Program, notes that this was the first time since the Korean War
ended in 1953 that North Korea has attacked South Korean territory. "This
[attack on Yeonpyeong Island] is something that frightened the South Koreans,"
he says, "It was unexpected and unprecedented. With North Korea moving toward
putting Kim Jong-il's son in place as his successor, people in South Korea
assume there is a lot of potential instability in the North and that this may
be driving some of North Korea's actions. There is a lot of concern among the
average South Korean now about what North Korea might do."
Shin initiated the West Coast Strategic Forum in 2006 to give greater voice to
the many prominent Korea experts on the U.S. West Coast on Korea-related
issues, and to serve as an ongoing forum for the exchange of views on issues of
significance to the U.S.-South Korea alliance. This most recent meeting of the
Forum was the fifth session. Strategic Forum workshops are held semi-annually,
alternating between Stanford and Seoul. The Sejong Institute is Shorenstein
APARC's Korean counterpart organization. In addition, American and Korean
participants maintain frequent contact among themselves via telephone and
e-mail, and they travel individually to each other's country on a regular basis
to keep abreast of alliance developments.
The New Beginnings policy study group was
established in 2008, after a decade of rocky U.S.-South Korea relations, with
the promise of new presidential administrations in both countries. "We were
optimistic that relations could be improved and wanted to contribute to that effort,"
says Straub. The ten members of New Beginnings, leading scholars and experts on
Northeast Asian affairs throughout the United States, usually meet as a group
for workshop discussions once or twice each year, and travel together
occasionally for on-site discussions in Seoul, Washington, D.C., and New York.
Shorenstein APARC has partnered with The Korea Society of New York City on this
project. The group annually prepares a report for the U.S. administration with
recommendations for strengthening its alliance with South Korea.
During the meetings in South Korea, discussions about the alliance focused, in
part, on how to deter future attacks from North Korea, and how to better
respond-individually and jointly-in the event of another assault. The intended
ratification of the KORUS FTA was also discussed. According to Straub, the
KORUS FTA is generally viewed favorably in South Korea and is likely to be
ratified despite resistance from South Korea's opposition party. With South
Korea's total future trade with China soon expected to amount to more than its
combined trade with the United States and Japan, the FTA will not only
significantly bolster U.S.-South Korea trade, it will also broaden and deepen
the alliance relationship. "From a South Korean perspective it helps to
maintain some balance in overall relations between the United States and
China," states Straub, "It also serves as a precedent for South Korea's
intended negotiations with other countries for free trade agreements. In the
United States, President Obama has linked it to his plan to double export
growth by 2015."
Shorenstein APARC plans to continue holding meetings of both the West Coast Forum and New Beginnings. "Even though overall government-to-government relations are at their best ever," says Straub, "there are continuing political divisions in South Korea on issues of importance to the relationship and North Korea's behavior is getting increasingly worse. We think that there is reason to continue the New Beginnings project for some time to come." In addition to better informing policymakers in the United States and South Korea, the meetings of the Forum and of the New Beginnings policy group strengthen the scholarship of the participants, and all public documents, including the annual reports to the U.S. administration, are published on the Shorenstein APARC website.