Visiting Scholar's research on Southeast Asia published and forthcoming in Japan
Visiting Scholar's research on Southeast Asia published and forthcoming in Japan
Kaneko Yoshiki is a professor at Dokkyo University in Saitama, Japan. SEAF hosted him as a visiting scholar at Stanford for part of 2007 to continue or complete the research and writing of several Japanese-language manuscripts on Southeast Asia that are now in print or awaiting publication. They include three chapters in edited volumes: two forthcoming in 2009, "Ethnicity and Politics in Malaysia and Singapore," in Beyond Ethnic Politics in South and Southeast Asia (Keiso Shobo), and "The Collapse of Judicial Independence under the Mahathir Administration in Malaysia," in Rethinking Southeast Asia Politics (Keio University Press); and one published in 2007, "The Function of the Judiciary in the Democratization Process in Southeast Asia," in New Political and Economic Order in Southeast Asia: Changes and Challenges aft the Asian Currency Crisis in 1997 (Daito-Bunka University, 2007).