The "Chinese diaspora" and Southeast Asia

The "Chinese diaspora" and Southeast Asia

ColonialSingaporeChinatownBoothMatNEWSFEED Colonial-era architecture in Singapore's Chinatown Mat Booth
People began emigrating in significant numbers from China beginning in the middle of the nineteenth century, and many settled down in Southeast Asia. Jianli Huang, the 2010–2011 Lee Kong Chian Fellow and a specialist on Chinese diaspora studies, presented two well-received talks on this subject in April 2011. Huang's April 12 seminar examined National University of Singapore scholar Wang Gungwu's research on migration nomenclature, including the term "Chinese diaspora," in relation to policymaking. On April 26, Huang insightfully reviewed the life and times of China emigrant and Singapore entrepreneur-philanthropist Lee Kong Chian (1893–1967). Full audio recordings and slides from these two presentations, as well as a link to the Chinese-language coverage of Huang's April 12 seminar in the online edition of the World Journal, are available on the Southeast Asia Forum website.