This talk will examine the evolution of Korean strategic thought on regionalism, with particular focus on regional security cooperation:
- How does South Korean regional thinking differ from that of its
neighbors, and how has it evolved over time?,
- Was there any
discernable strategic thought to realize regional aspirations during
the cold war era, and afterward how has it responded to the dynamics of
regionalism in Northeast Asia?,
- Is South Korean strategic thought
on regionalism long-term, goal-oriented, and consistent? Does it set
priorities, recognize trade-offs, and change in response to actual
results or new developments in the region? How do competing visions of
domestic forces define its scope and direction?,
- Under what
circumstances has Seoul given regional multilateral cooperation a
prominent place in its strategic thinking and national security
doctrine? Is it based on careful deliberations and a realistic
understanding of costs and benefits?,
- Wither to the 6 Party Talks
(given North Korea said the Talks are dead) and a five-party proposal
by Profesident Lee Myung Bak, about which China seems reluctant?
The speaker will review Seoul’s strategic thought on regional multilateral cooperation in Northeast Asia during and after the cold war, followed by consideration of the challenges and opportunities for growing regionalism with Korean “centrality.”
Shin-wha Lee is currently a visiting professor at School of International and Public Affairs (SIPA), Columbia University and also serving as a Scholar-in-Residence at the Korean Permanent Mission to the United Nations. She worked at the World Bank and the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) in Sudan. She served as Special Advisor to the United Nations, 'Rwandan Independent Inquiry,' Chair's Advisor of East Asian Vision Group (EAVG), and Coordinator of UNESCO Chair on Peace, Democracy and Human Rights. She has published numerous articles and books on global security, international organizations, East Asian security cooperation, UN peacekeeping operations, and nontraditional security such as environmental and human security. Lee holds a Ph.D. in Government and Politics from the University of Maryland at College Park.