The Future of a Demographic Overachiever: Long-Term Implications of the Demographic Transition in China
China's pace of demographic transition -- both mortality and fertility decline -- have been unparalleled in human populations of significant size. With China's fertility now well below replacement level, what lies ahead for this demographic overachiever? Dr. Wang will discuss the role of the Chinese state in the demographic transition, pointing out how focusing on the role of government overlooks the socioeconomic engines of China's transition and contributes to under-appreciation of the long-term implications of China's demographic transition.
Wang Feng is a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution and the director of the Brookings-Tsinghua Center for Public Policy. Prior to his current position, Wang Feng taught at the University of California, Irvine (from where he is on leave currently). Professor Wang is an expert on China’s social and demographic change. His recent work on social inequality in China includes Boundaries and Categories, Rising Inequality in Post-Socialist Urban China (Stanford University Press, 2008), Creating Wealth and Poverty in Post-Socialist China (co-edited with Deborah Davis, Stanford University Press, 2009), and his work on demographic change in China includes “The Demographic Factor in China’s Transitions” (with Andrew Mason, included in Loren Brant and Thomas Rawski, eds., China’s Great Economic Transformations. Cambridge University Press, 2008).