Mitsue Kurihara

652666220 TZoHS L 1

Mitsue Kurihara

  • Corporate Affiliate Visiting Fellow


Mitsue Kurihara is a corporate affiliate visiting fellow at Shorenstein APARC for 2008-09 and 2009-10. Prior to joining Shorenstein APARC, she worked at the Development Bank of Japan (DBJ) for twenty years. She has comprehensive experience in policy-based financing, in addition to having been involved in the merger of Japan Development Bank with Hokkaido-Tohoku Development Finance Public Corporation into DBJ during her term in the Treasury Department. Over the past five years, she has leveraged her wide network of regional bank and enterprise connections to provide advice on various industrial restructuring and other M&A deals. Kurihara’s latest position at the DBJ was as director in the Department for Business Development (in charge of advisory services for mergers, acquisitions, divestitures, and corporate strategy planning). 

Kurihara was also assigned for a time at the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology. She graduated from Hitotsubashi University with a BA in law.