The Second Economy: The Origin of Yushin System in South Korea
The Second Economy: The Origin of Yushin System in South Korea
Friday, March 7, 200812:00 PM - 1:15 PM (Pacific)
This presentation will focus on questions such as what triggered the transition and why Park designed such a new idea at this particular time in early 1968. Considering the timing, there was a possibility that original idea of Park for the Yushin System started before the 1968 crisis. This approach would be also relevant to the historiography in Korean history, which has been a very complex decussation of internal and external factors
Tae Gyun Park is Assistant Professor at Graduate School of International Studies, Seoul National University in Korea and is currently a Coordinate Researcher at Harvard-Yenching Institute. He is an editorial board member of Critical Review of History (Yoksa Pipong), Pacific Affairs(UBC), The Review of Korean Studies (Academy of Korean Studies), and Seoul Journal of Korean Studies (Gyujang-gak, SNU).