Education And Employment Among Muslims In India - An Analysis Of Patterns And Trends

Education And Employment Among Muslims In India - An Analysis Of Patterns And Trends

Wednesday, May 16, 2012
12:00 PM - 1:30 PM
Philippines Conference Room
  • Rakesh Basant

After the submission of the Sachar Committee Report, several studies have undertaken data-based analysis of the socioeconomic and educational conditions of Muslims in India. Many researchers, policy makers, and Muslims believe that education can be the only mechanism to enhance their socioeconomic status and enter into better-paid jobs, businesses, and professions. This seminar will review the available evidence on the patterns of Muslim participation in education and workforce outcomes. Comparing the estimates derived from the most recent round of the National Sample Survey for the year 2009–2010 with the earlier years, it will assess how these patterns have changed in recent years. To the extent feasible the correlates of these changes will also be explored.

Rakesh Basant's current teaching and research interests focus on firm strategy, innovation, public policy, and regulation. His recent work has focused on capability building processes in industrial clusters; FDI in R&D; innovation-internalization linkages; competition policy; inter-organizational linkages for technology development (especially academia-industry relationships); strategic and policy aspects of intellectual property rights; linkages between public policy and technological change; economics of strategy; and the small-scale sector in India. His sectoral focus of research in these areas has been on the pharmaceutical, IT, electronics, and suto-component industries. Basant was a member of the Indian Prime Minister’s High-Level Committee (also known as Sachar Committee) to write a report on the social, economic, and educational conditions of Muslims in India. In continuation of this work, part of his current research focuses on issues relating to affirmative action, especially in higher education. Basant has also been a recipient of the of the Ford Foundation Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Economics, and has spent two years at the Economic Growth Center at Yale University as a visiting research fellow. In addition, he has worked as a consultant to several international organizations.

This seminar series is co-sponsored by the South Asia Initiative,




